Monday, October 18, 2010

4.0.1 Class Changes and Leveling

Leveling has become a much less painful process with the release of the new patch. Every class has a unique special attack now at Level 1 and learn a number of other useful skills up to level 10.

Warriors have Strike

Pallies have Crusader Strike (formerly 41 point talent for ret)

Rogues have Sinister Strike

Hunters have arcane shot AND a pet

Shaman have Lightning Bolt (and soon after, Primal Strike)

Mages have Fireball

Priests have smite

Druids have Wrath

Warlocks have Shadow Bolt AND Summon Imp

So what does this mean? it means that EVERY class has a distinct feeling starting at level 1. Each class will learn anywhere from 3-5 new skills (or more) up to level 10. (druids and warlocks learn 11 new abilities by the time they reach level 10!)

Then at level 10 you pick your class's specialization from 3 different trees and then you immediately gain 3-4 new passive and active abilities (plus a mastery at 80) that really give you a feeling of uniqueness and customization.

Even better is that you only have to train a skill once, and you don't need to train multiple ranks anymore. You don't have to go back every 2 levels, you don't have to spend ridiculous amounts of gold on training. The problem is, after level 10, skills are so spread out between 3-5 levels per skill that things get kind of boring. Talents however help to take some of the boredom out of the leveling process adding 1 or 2 new abilities every 5 levels, depending on your talent tree.

I've played around with a handful of classes now, but by far the fastest leveling classes I've played are hunters and warriors. Hunters can kill anything before it reaches you with just your autoshot and arcane shot. But then you have your pet to finish it, even if the mob does close in on you. Just target another one and keep rolling. I literally just picked a small area with a lot of mobs, tab targeted and autoshot, and I gained a full level in under a minute. Granted these were low levels and supposed to be fast, but still, I've never leveled up that fast before. I was level 7 in under 10 minutes.

Warriors using charge and victory rush just plow through mobs even 1-shotting them if victory rush crits. The best thing I could do is charge into a group of mobs (yellow names) and take them down with victory rush and strike. When charge's cooldown was done, usually by the time all the mobs were dead, I would just charge into a new group and repeat. I was killing nonstop and I was level 7 in just under 30 minutes. It would have been faster, but I was guiding my wife through the game for the first time, teaching her how to use the controls.

So long story short, Leveling has become fun again. It's time to level an alt, bring in a friend, and plow your way to 80... again. Since patch 4.0.1 the entire game has been recreated, classes have been reworked from the ground up, and everything feels fresh again. There are some pitfalls to avoid though. You definitely don't want to waste any time or money, just to find out you're doing it wrong. Pick the right spec from the start. Get a good game plan, know where you're going and how you're getting there.

Zygor’s Leveling Guide is always kept up to date with the best leveling specs and with Cataclysm coming soon, the talent trees have received a huge makeover with all new features and abilities. When the expansion comes out, the face of Azeroth, and many of the quests will be changed as well. Zygor’s Leveling Guide will have all new questing paths and step by step instructions to take you through the changes to the new level cap in no time.

If you are having trouble leveling, Zygor’s Leveling Guide provides an in game talent spec and the perfect Shaman leveling spec and questing path that gets you to 80 faster and easier than any other way. No matter what level you are, you load the guide, and it points with an arrow the direction to each monster, quest giver, trainer etc. Its pretty crazy. It also has an in game box that tells you exactly where and how far to run, what to kill, what to pick up, etc. Unlike the Questhelper Addon, it actually shows where to PICK UP quests, and which ones to do, and what order to do them in. Check out Zygor’s Leveling Guide to make sure you're not wasting any time when you're on your path to 85.


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