Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to Get the Crusader Title in World of Warcraft

There are many aspects of World of Warcraft that make it incredibly addictive. It has the effect of making players want to "keep up with the Joneses", so to speak. Tier gear, rare mounts, and achievements are just a few of the addictive traps Blizzard has built into WoW.

One of the newest ingame status symbols is the coveted Crusader title. Obtaining this title proves to everyone who sees you that have put in the work and you know what you're doing. It's a title that carries prestige and most people want it so they can also become a highly toted elite player in World of Warcraft. Not to mention earning the Crusader title also grants you access to purchase items only available to this group of elite players.

Living Among the Elite

There's no question that players look at other players who have earned their Crusader title with respect. It has the same effect of a player who is decked out in many hard-to-get items. They've put in the work and time to aquire those things, and many people wish they could do the same. Besides the status of becoming a respected player in WoW, there are other benefits of earning your Crusader title and living among the elite.

Once you earn your Crusader title, you will have access to purchase items that are only available for sale the those who have earned the Crusader title. One of these items is the Argent Pony Bridle. Once you become a Champion at the Argent Tournament, you will receive a companion who you can summon to follow you around. That companion is essentially useless, until you purchase the Argent Pony Bridle.

The Argent Pony Bridle, when used, allows your companion to serve as a Bank, Vendor, or Mailbox, allowing you to access those things anywhere, without the need to go to a main city first. It's a very nice item to be able to purchase, as it makes your companion incredibly useful, and can only be acquired once you have earned your Crusader title. Another major benefit of earning your Crusader title is it opens up the option to purchase Heirloom items by doing dailies alone, so they are much easier to acquire.

Earning Your Crusader Title

By now, you're probably begging to know how you can earn the Crusader title for yourself. The requirements to earn the Crusader title are that you must earn the achievement Exalted Champion of the Alliance or Exalted Champion of the Horde. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, earning those achievements will prove to be difficult, tedious, and extremely time consuming.

You can try to brave the trenches and figure out for yourself how exactly to earn your Crusader title. However, myself, I would prefer to have guidance with someone walking me step-by-step through the entire process, making it a breeze. That's why I set out in search for a guide that would help me earn my Crusader title quickly and easily. X-Elerated Warcraft Guides are the guides I finally chose to help me. It proved to be a much needed breath of fresh air, compared to other guides I tried during my search.

With the X-Elerated guides, not only do they walk you step-by-step through the entire process of earning your Crusader title, but they show you how to get Hairlooms and make gold with dailies quickly and easily, as well. So, if you are in the same boat I was in, knowing what you want, but no idea how to go about obtaining it, I highly recommend X-Elerated Warcraft Guides to help you. Like me, you will not be disappointed with the results, I promise you.

How to Get Heirloom Items Fast in World of Warcraft

As World of Warcraft continues to expand larger and larger, with the level cap increasing over time, it's becoming more and more difficult for people to have multiple characters at max level. Everyone would like to have characters of all classes at level cap, but it is terribly time consuming to be able to do that.

Luckily, Blizzard has introduced, with the Cataclysm expansion, a new type of item to help players level their alts quicker and easier than ever before. They are called Bind on Account items, or Heirlooms. In order to have access to get Heirlooms, you must already have at least one level 85 character, for the most part.

Power and Extra Experience

There are 2 awesome benefits of getting and using Heirloom items. The first benefit is they scale to your level. So, as you gain levels, the Heirloom item stats (armor, damage, etc) increase as well. This is really cool because it makes it unnecessary to upgrade most of your gear. Heirlooms have good stats, armor, and damage for your current level, so they keep you powerful and able to do quests quickly, which is a huge plus when trying to level up some alt characters.

The second, and probably most important, benefit is that some Heirlooms increase the experience points you gain from killing mobs and turning in quests by 10%. If you have 3 Heirloom pieces that give a 10% experience boost each, that's a total of a 30% experience boost for your character while leveling to level 80. So, if it usually takes you 6 months total, real time, to level your alts, you could level that same character in about 4 months total. Just having Heirlooms could save you 2 months of your time! That's pretty amazing, if you ask me.

Getting Your Own Heirlooms

The most popular way of getting Heirlooms, hands down, is by doing dailies. Getting a full set of heirlooms can be done pretty quickly by doing dailies, if you know what you're doing. The whole point of heirloom items is to save you time. So, not only do you want to save time after you get your Heirlooms, but you should also look into saving time while in the process of getting Heirloom items.

The way to do that is with an optimized route of all the dailies you need to do in order to get the items to trade in for Heirlooms. Obviously, you can figure out your own path for doing this, but if you're like me, you'll want a guide written by professional gamers for the sole purpose of getting dailies done quickly.

There is a certain guide I use for all my dailies needs. It's called X-Elerated Warcraft Guides. In their guide, they show you step-by-step how to get Heirloom items. As a bonus, they walk you through speed runs for making gold with dailies, as well as getting your Crusader title, which is needed to buy Heirlooms if you want to be able to buy them by doing dailies alone. If you want to get Heirlooms, gold, and your Crusader title fast, I highly recommend picking up a copy of the X-Elerated guides. Good luck!

How to Make Gold Fast with Dailies in World of Warcraft

There are more and more people joining the ranks of World of Warcraft every day. Nobody can get enough of this game and there are plenty of reasons why. In WoW, you can escape the realities of everyday life. Just relax, do a few dailies to make a little gold, and just have fun with friends - not a bad way to spend an evening. And as you do this, you'll naturally make gold over time.

However, there may come a time when you want to get a little more out of the time you spend in the game. There are items that cost 20,000 gold, and surely you want those items. This means that in order to get the most out of your WoW experience, you'll have to make gold as quickly as possible.

The Basics

But how do you do this? There are several things to keep in mind when trying to make gold quickly in WoW by doing dailies. You probably already know that daily quests award you with gold for completing them. And initially, in WoW, items do not cost that much gold to purchase. But eventually, the items become very expensive, especially the best of the best items you'll want to get when you hit level cap. So, you need a game plan to be able to afford all the items you want, if you want them before the end of time.

Focus on Gold

When you want to build up a stockpile of gold quickly in WoW, you have to supplement your regular activites with activities designed specifically to make you a lot of gold. Doing dailies is a great way to make a lot of gold quickly. All daily quests pay out gold when you complete them. The key is to pay attention to the amount of gold each daily rewards you with when you complete them. You should also take time into consideration when trying to make gold fast in WoW using dailies. If you can make 200 gold, but it takes you 5 hours to do it, that's not very much gold per hour. There are good ways to make a lot of gold per hour, such as optimized speed gold dailies runs.

There are guides available that will lead you step-by-step through completing speed gold dailies runs, among other cool things. X-Elerated Daily Quest Guide is one of those guides. Save up your gold from completing speed gold dailies runs every day and you'll be well on your way to making gold fast in WoW and buying those expensive items you want.

First ever gold addon makes massive gold

I just discovered this amazing gold addon that automates the most powerful gold making strategies in the game. So far it's made me a fortune and I suggest you check it out immediately...

It's called Tycoon and it's the most powerful gold making product I've ever used. PDF guides don't even come close.

In the first day I pulled in over 25,000g and I didn't even understand how the addon worked yet.

Not only does it pull in massive gold in minimum time, but it makes gold making fun again.

Here's just a FEW of the cool things it does:

- Scans the auction house, studies your economy, and tells you the most profitable items in the game. (Insane)

- If that item, for example, is something that should be gathered with mining it will give you an optimized mining route that leads you over the most densely populated mining nodes in a zone... resulting in over 2-3 times more ore than normal.

- It does this for all the major strategies in the game, like Gathering, Grinding, and Crafting.

- It even knows if there is too much competition and tells you to go for a different item instead.

You can choose any strategy you prefer, such as crafting, and Tycoon will give you a list of just Crafting items to make for huge profit... (and then it goes on to show you how to make it and where to grind materials for even more profit!)

There is a lot more features in this addon but those are just a few that really stood out to me.

This is going to change the way gold making is done forever and I know you'll like it.

It just came out and I know a bunch of people are talking about it so I suggest checking it out before too many people get their hands on it.

Here's the link again:

Mass Pulling To Increase Leveling Speed

When I first decided that I was going to master questing, I made it my mission to find all the things that made the largest impact on my overall leveling time. After years of questing, recording, and team collaboration, we have created a hierarchy of leveling tactics.

There are two strategies at the top of this hierarchy that will always act as your top time-saving contributors. And, I’m going to share the first one with you right now.

Soloing kill quests are absolutely, bar none, the fastest way to level. With that in mind, it’s time to incorporate the first KEY leveling strategy: Mass Pulling.

First off, let me start by saying that the reason mass pulling is so effective at saving you time is because you save minutes each time you implement it. If you save 3 minutes by mass pulling at every single camp where you have a kill quest, that will total up to hours of time saved. In some of our studies, mass pulling alone accounted for DAYS of leveling time saved.

Now, we’ve all been there. You finally found a good zone to quest in, you have the winning spec, but something is still missing.

As you aggro 1 mob at a time, over and over, you become a master of a single target rotation, but do you know how to react when you pull 2 mobs? What about when you aggro 10?

Every single class has the ability to mass pull mobs. Yes, even at low level. And yes, even rogues and priests! Any class can use mass pulling tactics to kill 6-10 mobs at a time and level like a beast.

But there is a big difference between accidentally pulling a group of mobs, and actively taking an offensive approach at them.

By implementing just these 3 key strategies, you can become a wiz at mass pulling, and will find yourself shaving hours off of your leveling time.

Situational Awareness:
Observe your surroundings, and make it a habit to know exactly how to turn the mobs’ basecamp into your personal playground.

Mass Mob Rotation:
Learn the best way for your class to pull, and quickly output damage on groups of 5 or larger.

The Follow Through:
Once you have a mass-pulling rotation, you have to find a balance between damage input and output. You’ll know when you hit the “sweet spot” on a group of mobs, and let me tell you, it’s a wonderful feeling.
The X-Elerated Warcraft Guides Package goes in depth with all of these concepts, and will have you mass mob farming with any and all classes like a seasoned veteran.

Click the link for more information:

Tips To Double Your World of Warcraft Leveling Speed


When someone sets out to level a brand new character in WoW, they can find themselves easily discouraged because of the long haul in front of them. Yes, leveling can be a grueling process, but it doesn’t have to be.

There are bad habits that you can cut out of your leveling gameplay that will ensure your toon will never slow to a snail’s pace. These “minor things” don’t seem to merit your attention, but they will add up to a MAJOR time drain. By eliminating them, you also will eliminate the grueling process.

It really all boils down to time management, right? It took me years of grinding, reading forums, and experimenting to finally pinpoint exactly what was keeping me from leveling efficiently.

#1 Letting Leveling Become a Marathon
How many times have you set your hearthstone at an Inn, and forgot to use it? While questing, you can save yourself anywhere from 5-30 minutes of running to turn a quest in, if you just use your hearthstone. Forgetting to use your hearthstone once isn’t that bad, but you can see how this adds up to wasting a lot of time.

#2 Overestimating City Attractions
While leveling a toon, you have to periodically visit a major city to visit class and profession trainers. Taking your toon to a city to train is legit, but how often should you train? The most time efficient way to handle the training situation is to visit the major cities when you are “in the area” and reserve going out of your way for when your level ends in 0; as these are the points at which you will have the most abilities to train in.

#3 Underestimating Travel Time
Beware of sitting in the AH and browsing for gear to level in. Getting distracted by shopping at the AH is just one of the things that cities have to offer in the “time drain” category. To combat this, you can make a bank alt, and park it next to the AH. Then, if you insist on browsing the AH, at least you didn’t waste time by running your other characters 30 or more minutes across the map. Not taking advantage of a bank alt may seem like small potatoes, but it’s a short walk to the mail box from the AH.

#4 Giving Away Control Over Your Leveling Speed
We’ve all had the thought that “hey, elite mobs in dungeons give a ton of xp, so I should just queue for random dungeons.” But there are too many variables that can come into play and spoil the idea of dungeon leveling. Yes you’ll be getting xp while you’re in the dungeon, but what about the downtime? And what if you get a fail group? Some dungeon runs will grant you a whole level worth of XP or more at the lower levels, but it’s not worth it if the groups drag out for hours at a time.

Look, I’m not going to sit here and tell you that you can’t dungeon and pvp with your lowbies. But, if you want to be an efficient power-leveler, you can’t waste your time with those things.
After having leveled handfuls of toons, the X-Elerated Warcraft Guides Team has pinpointed and highlighted every little time waster that you could possibly encounter while leveling, so that you can avoid them.

And the list of “minor things that add up” is a long one. If you want to free your leveling from the clutches of these minor things, look no further. The X-Elerated Warcraft Guide Package will turn you into a well-oiled leveling machine.

For Details on the X-Elerated Warcraft Guide Package, just click here:

Level At Least 3x Faster Than You Are Now

So, you’ve done your homework, and through trial and error have come to the conclusion that soloing quests is the fastest and most efficient way to level. But that’s only half the battle.

How many times have you been in this situation:
You started a toon at the same time as someone else in your guild. You level by questing, just like the other guy, but by the time your level 30, he’s level 50. And you’re thinking what the heck, how is he leveling so much faster than me?

Well there are a handful of secret tricks that you can incorporate into soloing that will help you to surpass your friends and guildies every time. These tips are proven to shave big chunks off your leveling time, and all you have to do is take advantage of them to become a master power leveler.

You see, there are so many things that the average leveler forgets to do. These things can vary from a rotation blunder to not taking a crucial talent point, and are always an easy fix. It’s just a matter of knowing how.
I’ll let you in on a key soloing secret right now!

If you can find a balance between damage and survivability, you’ll already be way above the curve. The fact is that most players can’t figure out how to create this balance.

The first step is very simple...

You need the right spec!

Now, let’s say that you’re a paladin. Retribution is the best leveling spec! But why?

Yes, Retribution is the only dps spec for a paladin, but that’s not why exactly. The reason why is because it contains talent points that provide great damage, and combines that with some crucial resource regeneration and survivability tactics.

Certain talent points in the tree are absolutely mandatory… but you have to know which ones.
Another really common slip-up that I’ve seen is players stacking the wrong stats. This goes right back to what I was saying about finding that balance between damage and survivability. Even having the best spec is useless if you don’t know how to gear for it.

If you’re tired of the guesswork and ready to know exactly how to best equip and spec your toon for soloing, then you are ready for X-Elerated Warcraft Guides. They will take care of all the why’s and how’s so that you can just focus on getting your game on.

For more information on the X-Elerated Guide Package, click here:


World of Warcraft Power Guides © 2008 . Design By: SkinCorner